Response Codes

This API returns the following response codes to indicate the status of your requests and potential errors that may arise.

Status CodeDescriptionExample Response
200Successjson { "features": {} }
400Bad Request: Required field missingjson { "error": "Address is required" }
401Unauthorized: API key is missing/invalidjson { "error": "Unauthorized: API key is missing" }
403Forbidden: Usage limit exceededjson { "error": "Forbidden: Usage limit exceeded" }
404Not Found: Property not foundjson { "error": "No property found matching the criteria" }
429Rate Limit Exceeded: 1200 calls per minute maximumjson { "error": "Too many requests" }
500Internal Server Errorjson { "error": "Internal Server Error" }
504Gateway Timeoutjson { "error": "Server timed out" }

Each response code includes an example JSON payload to help identify the issue and guide your next steps.